There are 3 things that you really need to know when going to Colombia. Be prepared to have the Monica Geller afro when she went to Barbados Use the phrase “Gracias, pero, no” religiously Contain your anger when you do not find empanadas on every street corner
Hi guys! I can’t wait to share my wonderful Finland stories and travel guide with you! But while that post is going to take a little more work, I wanted to fill you in on my beautiful day trip to Tallinn, Estonia, in midst of my Finnish adventures. Tallinn, Estonia is one of the most […]
Hello everybodyyyy! It’s a brand new week and hopefully it’s a good one! I have been hardcore slacking on my travel posts. I know I still have to share my Finland adventures with you, and I promise – I will definitely give you the 411 ASAP! A week feels like a day when you are on […]
We all feel some type of way when we are visiting a foreign country. Is it safe? Am I bringing enough money? Will I like the food? These are always questions that I personally need to know, along with several others. I made a quick list of key components that everyone should be aware of […]
I AM FINALLY READY… TO SHARE MY MOROCCO ITINERARY WITH YOU GUYS. I am so so so sorry that it took me so long to post on this. I started writing this so many times and re-drafted it about 39272788 times. It was so hard for me to put all of my thoughts into a […]
If I haven’t already raved ENOUGH about my Morocco trip, here’s my Morocco Trip: Part 2 itinerary! Click here for full details and pictures on the first half of my trip! I genuinely miss Morocco more and more as each day passes, but I KNOW I will be making an appearance back there one day! […]
I am starting off my Indonesia blog series with a basic post on what you’ll need to know prior to visiting the country. Many people go to Indonesia to visit Bali in particular, and while that was my main reason, I still made it a point to check out the other beautiful islands that the […]
I wanted to start off my first real Indonesia post with lodging, because that will probably be your next step after booking flights and planning a getaway to this magical country. One thing that I absolutely loved about my stay was that every single hotel/hostel was beautiful, and relatively cheap. I guarantee that it will […]
I don’t think I can emphasize this enough, but I LOVE the food in Bali. Indonesia is a country with primarily Muslim and Hindu people, so their food is very accommodating to MY style; vegetarian/vegan and spicy This was one of my favorite trips because I was able to try the local cuisine without […]
This is Part 1 of my Bali Food Adventures! I stayed in Seminyak for the longest time, so I tried many different restaurants. I think Seminyak deserves its own post because I don’t want to lose you in all of the writing. Be prepared to drool my friends Hanks Pizza & Liquor This place […]